Thursday, February 8, 2018


Query on 18th ATR from Printing Section.

LoP doca put up with draft om forwarding same. A mischievous om taken out saying that lop would be forwarded im due course. Got corrected. Dir and Dshna negate the mention of 13th five year plan. Said 12th fyp was extended for 6 more months, which ended in September last. Dshna said it was extended for one more year. Just like rolling plans !!

Dir wanted me to send letter to FCI lucknow myself. I gave the file for scrutiny by Dshna. 'Let's wait for US to do' said her. That's not what I mean. Necessarily.

Notice was got translated.

Called WG Branch for two more dates 26&27 as back up plan. the week after 20 & 21 february, 2018. Just in case.

Doca said file approved, but spiral bound sets tomorrow. Soft ccopy received through email. Also hindi version of the material reminded about. Instances of english copies in hindi version and vice versa never wanted.